IIA CET is a Gateway for Admissions & Training in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering in DGCA and EASA approved Aircraft Maintenance Training Organisations in India. The appearance in the IIA CET exam is the mandatory requirement for the admissions in the AME colleges in India.

As per the DGCA Govt of India guidelines, an aspiring candidate must have attended his 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry and Maths as his/her major electives. The prime objective of the IIA CET as a preliminary assessment criteria for a candidate belonging to PCM group is to assess the competency of the candidate who aspires to become an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer or a Commercial Pilot.

Based upon the performance of the candidate in the IIA CET entrance exam, they are being offered scholarships and priority over selecting the stream of their choice as well as location of training.

IIA CET 2024 Course Offered

The courses offered by competing through IIA CET are related to the technical stream of aviation. Interested candidates can opt for courses in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering and Commercial Pilot License under its preview.

CourseCompetent AuthorityDuration
Aircraft Maintenance Engineering in Category ADirector General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)01 Year Basic Training + 01 Year Actual Maintenance Experience
Aircraft Maintenance Engineering in Category B1.1Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)02 Year Basic Training + 02 Year Actual Maintenance Experience
Aircraft Maintenance Engineering in Category B1.1European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)02 Year Basic Training + 02 Year Actual Maintenance Experience
Aircraft Maintenance Engineering in Category B2Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)02 Year Basic Training + 02 Year Actual Maintenance Experience
B.Tech in Aeronautical EngineeringAll India Council of Technical Education04 Years
Commercial Pilot LicenseDirector General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)200 Hours Single Engine Rating + 15 Hours Multi Engine Rating + Type Rating

IIA CET 2024 Scholarship

Type of ScholarshipScholarship Amount
Top 5 Candidates in IIA CETINR 100,000/-
Next 20 Ranked Candidates in IIA CETINR 50,000/-
Next 25 Ranked Candidates in IIA CETINR 25,000

*Scholarship in training fees to all IIA CET qualified candidates for admissions in AME courses.

Students admitted are based on valid scores from the entrance exams such as the IIA CET – A National level AME Entrance Exam conducted for admission in JRN Institute Of Aviation Technology, Indian Institute of Aeronautics and Bharat Institute of Aeronautics.

IIA CET 2024 Exam Dates

The examination dates are posted on the official website for IIA CET,, and other social media sites for the circulation of information. The interested candidates can approach the helpdesk for acquiring more information regarding the examination.

IIA CET (Preliminary)March-April
IIA CET (Mains)May-June

IIA CET 2024 Eligibility Criteria

DGCA Candidates: Must have Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics as their major subjects in 10+2 Board examination, appearing as well as pass out candidates and candidates who have completed their diploma in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, and Aeronautical stream may also apply for IIA CET – An AME Entrance Exam.

EASA Candidates: Must have cleared class 10th from any board in India. That means 10th pass, 12th with medical, non-medical, commerce & Humanities, or pursuing any degree or degree holder are all eligible.

IIA CET 2024 Exam Pattern

S.NoSubjectQuestionsMarksNegative Marking
3General Awareness55None

*Examination duration is 1 hour.

IIA CET 2024 Syllabus

Maths (Max Marks 30)

  • Arithmetic:Arithmetical terms and signs, methods of multiplication and division, fractions and decimals, factors and multiples, weights, measures and conversion factors, ratio and proportion, averages and percentages, areas and volumes, squares, cubes, square and cube roots. 
  • Algebra:Evaluating simple algebraic expressions, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, use of brackets, simple algebraic fractions; Linear equations and their solutions; Indices and powers, negative and fractional indices; Binary and other applicable numbering systems; Simultaneous equations and second degree equations with one unknown; Logarithms.
  • Geometry:Simple geometrical constructions; Graphical representation; nature and uses of graphs, graphs of equations/functions; Simple trigonometry; trigonometric relationships, use of tables and rectangular and polar coordinates.

Physics (Max Marks 30)

  • Nature of matter:The chemical elements, structure of atoms, molecules; Chemical compounds; States: solid, liquid and gaseous; Changes between states.
  • Static & Kinetics:Forces, moments and couples, representation as vectors; Centre of gravity; Elements of theory of stress, strain and elasticity: tension, compression, shear and torsion; Nature and properties of solid, fluid and gas; Pressure and buoyancy in liquids (barometers).
  • Linear movement:Uniform motion in a straight line, motion under constant acceleration (motion under gravity); Rotational movement: uniform circular motion (centrifugal/centripetal forces)
  • Periodic motion:Pendular movement; Simple theory of vibration, harmonics and resonance; Velocity ratio, mechanical advantage and efficiency.


  • Temperature:Thermometers and temperature scales: Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin; Heat definition; Heat capacity, specific heat; Heat transfer: convection, radiation and conduction; Volumetric expansion; First and second law of thermodynamics; Gases: ideal gases laws; specific heat at constant volume and constant pressure, work done by expanding gas; Isothermal, adiabatic expansion and compression, engine cycles, constant volume and constant pressure, refrigerators and heat pumps; Latent heat of fusion and evaporation, thermal energy, heat of combustion.
  • Optics:Nature of light, speed of light, Laws of reflection and refraction, reflection at plane surfaces, reflection by spherical mirrors, refraction, lenses; Fibre optics.
  • Wave Motion & Sound:Mechanical Waves, sinusoidal wave motion, interference phenomenon, standing waves Speed of sound, production of sound, intensity, pitch and quality, Doppler effect.
  • General Knowledge & English(Max Marks 25)General aviation awareness; India and the states; Current affairs, United nations and its functionaries, elementary English grammar and punctuation, word meaning, select the correct statement.

IIA CET 2024 Exam Schedule

  1. IIA CET examination is conducted in the 2nd quarter of 2024.
  2. The examination shall be organised in online mode only.
  3. Duration of the examination will be of 01 Hour for all the students.

How To Apply For IIA CET 2024

The registration process for IIA CET examination is available in Online mode only. To apply, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the website
  2. Fill up the form with the required details.

After submitting the form, the counselling team of IIA Group will contact you and provide you with all the course details, scope of the training program, arrangements for apprenticeships, and answer any general queries you may have.

Once the candidate is convinced with all the details as provided, they are advised to visit the link to get themselves registered with the registration payment option.

The registration fees for the DGCA approved programs is INR 1000/- and for EASA approved programs is INR 2000/-. Once the payment for registration is done, the registered candidates are given confirmation for their enrollment via email.

IIA CET 2024 Result

The results of the IIA CET examinations are declared in the 2nd week of June every year. The results are sent to the students on their registered email as well as the IIA Group website.
The meritorious candidates are given scholarships based on their performance and have the opportunity to select the course of their choice on priority.

IIA CET 2024 Cut off

The global aviation standard dictates 75% as passing marks for any of the Module examinations. It is essential for a candidate to exhibit a good level of knowledge and aptitude before selecting his/her career in aviation. The examination pattern includes MCQ questions, but the Licensing exam is a combination of MCQ and Subjective. Hence, it is essential for a candidate to exhibit a good level of English comprehension.

IIA CET 2024 Question Papers

The question papers generated for IIA CET are Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) based. These are the standards as maintained by the Civil Aviation Authorities globally.

The questions are selected from the NCERT books with the curriculum being covered as mentioned in the IIA CET Syllabus. The examination standards are basic, and the question levels are based on testing the intelligence of the candidate rather than assessing their competency over a selective topic.

IIA CET 2024 Answer Key

There will be 3 answers given as options for each asked multiple choice question, out of which 2 will be definitely wrong and one will be absolutely right. Candidates are expected to mark the absolutely correct answer out of the given options, for which one mark shall be awarded for every correct answer.

There is no negative marking, and no marks shall be deducted for marking incorrect answers.

IIA CET 2024 Counselling

After the declaration of IIA CET results, qualified candidates are invited for the counselling session at the DGCA/EASA approved training locations for the admission process. During the counselling session, candidates are given options to choose the stream of their choice and location of training at their convenience.

The selected candidates are further required to submit their Class 10 and Class 10+2 board mark sheets for verification, along with their medical certificate, No Objection Certificate from the institution/school last attended, and parents’ declaration form. Tuition fees submission is also required on the reporting day. The working schedule and training program details will be handed over to the candidate along with the date of commencement of the training session.

Admission Enquiry Form 2025

up to 100% Scholarship (IIA CET) Admission Test on 15-April-2024

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